Sexual Well Being

Sexual Well-Being Services

  • Low Libido:  compassionate treatment of this common issue.
  • Painful Intercourse (Dyspareunia): Expert guidance and solutions for individuals experiencing discomfort during sexual activity.
  • Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause: Comprehensive care for menopausal individuals addressing changes in the genital and urinary areas.
  • STI Testing and Treatment: Confidential and expert services for testing, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Trauma-informed Care:  Compassionate care and gentle examination techniques all under your control.
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Learn with Dr. Amy Tomlinson

Can a Gynecologist Tell If You Are Sexually Active?

Curious about gynecological exams? Learn why a gynecologist can't definitively tell if you're sexually active and other common questions answered.

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Sexual Health: Communication, Pleasure, and Safe Practices

Explores the role of sexual health in overall well-being, promoting open communication, pleasure, and safe practices.

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Navigating Postmenopausal Sexual Health: Understanding Painful Intercourse

Address post-menopausal dyspareunia, offering practical solutions to manage discomfort and maintain sexual health.

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Understanding and Addressing Painful Sex

Dr. Amy Tomlinson explores the causes and practical solutions for painful sex, addressing common issues and providing expert guidance.

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Why Choose Us?

With a patient-centered approach, Dr. Amy Tomlinson is committed to providing supportive and non-judgmental care throughout your sexual health journey. We prioritize open communication, ensuring you feel comfortable discussing your concerns.

Sexual Well-Being Services

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Your Journey to Sexual Well-Being Starts Now

Ready to address your sexual health concerns and enhance your well-being? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Amy Tomlinson to discuss your specific needs, explore available options, and embark on a path toward a healthier and more fulfilling sexual experience.

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